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What if the viscosity of the shampoo system is too high or too low?

This is also the current wash products in the mass production of more difficult to control the point, for the problem of over-thickening, basically in the production of sodium chloride do not add a one-time can solve this problem. For the problem of too thin, you can make up some appropriate thickeners such as liquid carbo or sodium chloride can also be solved.

If it is the laboratory formula design stage, adjust the proportion of thickener. If it is the production site, if possible, first add one-third of the thickener, according to the consistency and then slowly increase the amount of addition.

In a typical shampoo system, the viscosity is too low, and the cost effective thing to do is to add salt to adjust the viscosity, and the viscosity is too high, so you can add some polyols to thicken it. If both of these need to be added in very large amounts to make a difference, then it is time to consider redesigning the formula.

Shampoo viscosity is too low, generally add some NACL or similar 6501 raw materials to thicken; too high will add some polyol thinning, but the amount of additions need to be as little as possible.

Too high generally is to use polyol viscosity reduction, too low generally is to add salt or add some table activity to synergistic thickening.

What is the usage as well as dosage of the shampoo thickener match?

Shampoo thickeners are often used to increase the viscosity and consistency of the product, thus making the shampoo easier to use and apply to the hair, as well as increasing the shampooing effect of the product. Common shampoo thickeners include polymers, silicones, and salts. Below is a guide to the usage and dosage of some common shampoo thickeners:

Polymer Thickener: Gradually add the polymer thickener to the aqueous phase of the shampoo and mix well. Typical use levels are 0.2%-2%.

Silicone: Silicone is an easily emulsifiable oil that can be added directly to the oil phase of the shampoo. The amount used depends on the product needs and the type of silicone, usually between 0.5% and 5%.

Salts: Salts are added to shampoos to increase the viscosity of the product. The amount used is 1-3%. It should be noted that salt thickeners may have an effect on the clarity and transparency of the shampoo and therefore need to be adjusted according to the requirements of the product.

There is also synergistic thickening between surfactants, for example, for unusual surface active or amino acid surface active, 5% or so of CAB35 can have a good synergistic effect, and then go to the thickener or sodium chloride, the thickening efficiency will be much higher.

What is the difference between high and low viscosity silicone oils in shampoos?

Viscosity: High viscosity silicone fluids have a higher viscosity while low viscosity silicone fluids have a lower viscosity. Viscosity refers to the consistency of the fluid, and high viscosity fluids are thicker than low viscosity fluids.

Effect: Due to the difference in viscosity, high viscosity silicone oils will stay on the surface of the hair more easily when used in shampoos, forming a protective film that makes the hair smoother, softer and reduces static electricity. Low viscosity silicone oils stay on the surface of the hair for a shorter period of time and the effect may not be as pronounced as high viscosity silicone oils.

2. Amount: Due to the thick consistency of high viscosity silicone oils, it may be necessary to use a smaller amount to achieve the same effect as compared to low viscosity silicone oils. This helps to minimize the amount of silicone oil in the shampoo and avoids excessive greasiness.

3. Cleanliness: High-viscosity silicone oils may cause heavier encapsulation of the hair and may require more washing to remove the greasy feeling, which may not be suitable for certain fine hair or hair that tends to be oily. Low viscosity silicone oils, on the other hand, are relatively easy to wash. It is important to note that while silicone oils can improve the smoothness and appearance of hair to a certain extent, using too much silicone oil over a long period of time may cause problems with residue and clogging of hair follicles, which can affect the health of the hair.

Therefore, when choosing a shampoo, it is best to choose a moderate amount of silicone oil-containing products and use a deep cleansing shampoo on a regular basis to remove residual silicone oils and other oils. In addition, for people with sensitive scalps or those prone to dandruff, it is best to avoid excessive use of silicone oil-based products.

High-viscosity silicone oils exhibit higher viscosity in shampoos; High-viscosity silicone oils provide better hair care. They form a longer-lasting protective layer on the hair surface, reducing damage and making the hair smoother. High-viscosity silicone oils leave a longer-lasting protective layer on the hair, so they are more effective in combating humidity and environmental pollutants. Due to the viscous nature of high viscosity silicone oils, they may not always rinse out easily during shampooing, resulting in hair that may feel heavy or sticky after prolonged use.

Most of the silicone oils used as conditioning agents are highly viscous, which adsorb more effectively on the surface of the hair and provide conditioning.

What percentage of cationic guar gum should be in the shampoo to have appreciable suspending power?

Adding too much guar gum to shampoo can be too viscous and have melting guar gum powder. A more appropriate ratio of cationic guar gum to anionic is: 1g of dried guar gum powder to 100mL of preparation solution.

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