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Antioxidant is one of the most popular words used in many skincare advertisements nowadays, whether it is whitening class, moisturizing class, sunscreen class, wrinkle removal class …… The most important thing is that you can get a good idea of what you are getting into.

If not, a look will not be a camp (neglect) marketing (yoyo) cosmetics →_→

Talk to you today about how this is a fat thing ~

In fact, many of the set of beauty in the selection of cosmetics, most of them are looking at the advertising, look at the recommendations and look at the big V promotion, for this skin care products in the end there is no antioxidant function, they may only know that this skin care products have the so-called advertising antioxidant function of ╮ (╯▽╰)╭

Many advertisements promote antioxidant functions that are completely at odds with the real antioxidant functions.

As an example of the “graphic and exaggerated” antioxidant that skincare commercials love to use.

Apply the product to the surface of the cut apple, if the apple is discolored it means the product is not used ……

Cosmetic Antioxidant
Cosmetic Antioxidant

But the fact that apples are exposed to oxidation in the air and our skin is oxidized are two completely different things!

Anti-oxidation is not a fight against oxygen in the air, which is in the form of molecules that are also more active but still relatively stable and do not cause damage to the skin.

What “antioxidant” really fights is “free radicals”, which are the culprit of skin aging, pigmentation and darkening.
Why is it called “antioxidant” if it is not fighting against oxygen?

A chemical reaction is basically a chemical substance grabbing something from another chemical substance and releasing energy, and the thing that is grabbed is mainly electrons. Usually the component that is robbing something from another is called an oxidizer and the one that is being robbed is called a reducing agent.

Therefore, the process of protecting skin cells from being robbed by others is called “antioxidant”.

So, advertising is the brand and everyone to play a little joke →_→

Self-oxidation capacity

Our bodies have evolved over the past 10,000 years, and in the face of free radicals ravaging our bodies, our cells naturally have a natural countermeasure system – the antioxidant defense system!

Antioxidant genes are the heroic warriors that make up this system. The genes work together to scavenge and consume free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative damage, and together build the skin’s antioxidant barrier.

For example, the antioxidant star molecule, coenzyme Q10, has the function of strengthening cell metabolism and can inhibit cell membrane from being oxidized. And the recycling of coenzyme Q10 is regulated by the NQO1 gene.

The CAT gene and the GPX1 gene encode proteins that promote the breakdown of peroxides in the body and have the effect of scavenging free radicals in the body.

The SOD2 gene encodes superoxide dismutase, which converts superoxide radicals in the body and reduces the damage caused by superoxide.

However, if these genes are mutated, they can affect the function of the proteins they encode and cannot properly scavenge free radicals from the body.

Therefore, the presence or absence of mutations in these genes determines our antioxidant capacity. However, it is difficult for us to know our antioxidant capacity accurately through our daily life experience, which needs to be obtained through professional genetic testing.

Antioxidant ingredients in skin care products that are effective for the skin

Vitamin C/E.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are very widely used and are the best known antioxidant ingredients.

When vitamin E sees a free radical, it sacrifices itself without thinking, reducing the aggressiveness of the free radical and making it less violent. Then vitamin C comes out and will die with the already less dangerous free radicals, destroying them!

Only vitamin C is unstable and easily oxidized by oxygen in the air. In order to solve the problem of easy oxidation of VC, many VC derivatives have been developed, such as: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, ascorbyl palmitate, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, etc.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a kind of biological enzyme that exists widely in the nature. It is clinically proven and long-term use shows that superoxide dismutase (SOD) is the nemesis of oxygen free radicals, which can not only anti-wrinkle, remove spots and pigment, but also anti-inflammatory, sunscreen and delay skin aging.

SOD can directly destroy free radicals, strong function. But the external use of SOD does not seem to work so well, adding SOD the most famous products, is the Dabao SOD series.

Lipoic acid.

Lipoic acid is an excellent natural antioxidant ingredient that helps restore the vitality of the antioxidant capacity in the body’s cells themselves, so to speak, to fundamentally improve the quality of the body’s cells and give the body itself a powerful antioxidant capacity.

Coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble enzyme in the human body, and its biggest function is antioxidant.

Coenzyme Q10 can penetrate deep into cells and strengthen cellular metabolism, which can inhibit the process of lipid peroxidation in the body.

Coenzyme Q10 is very mild, no irritation and photosensitivity, morning and night can be used safely.

Hydrolyzed ginseng herbaceous glycosides.

Ginsenosides are easily absorbed into the dermis through the surface layer of the skin and promote the proliferation of fibroblasts to regenerate skin tissue and enhance its immune effect.

Stimulates the synthesis of elastin in the dermis, which also treats and prevents the occurrence of acne.

Ginsenosides have antioxidant properties by activating the activity of oxidoreductase enzymes in the body, which can prevent skin aging.

Ferulic acid.

This ingredient has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, as well as anti-UV radiation.

It promotes the growth of cell-to-cell polysaccharide adhesions, tightens skin and tightens pores, and is suitable for sagging and aging skin.

Ferulic acid has broad-spectrum antioxidant properties; ferulic acid also has skin revitalizing, whitening and anti-inflammatory effects and inhibits allergies.

So, when you buy skin care products in the future, you can check online to see if there are any antioxidant ingredients in the end, and then make your choice.

*Disclaimer: The content contained in this article comes from the Internet, WeChat public numbers and other public channels, and we maintain a neutral attitude toward the views expressed in the article. This article is for reference and exchange only. The copyright of the reproduced manuscript belongs to the original author and the institution, and if there is any infringementPlease contact Jetson Chemical for deletion



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