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Essence, the ultimate in skincare products, has quickly become an essential part of facial care over the years. However, many people still don’t know what essences are and how they work. Why do I need to use a serum?

There are many types of serums on the market, and according to texture, they can be categorized into water-phase serums, oil-phase serums, and water-oil serums, with different textures suitable for different skin types. According to the different effects, essence can also be divided into moisturizing, whitening, repair, anti-aging and oil control five categories.

In fact, the average consumer cognizant of the “essence” basically refers to the serum, serum, essence, essence and so on this type of product. But the real meaning of the “essence” family in addition to the above mentioned: serum, serum, there are many different essence attribute products, such as: essence of water, essence of oil, essence of milk, essence of the mask and so on.

☑ essence water: essence water and toner / makeup water, the biggest difference lies in the addition of the content of the active substance (the cost of the active substance can be much higher than water, which is why a god * water sold so expensive one of the reasons). The texture of the essence of water is refreshing, the skin is easy to absorb, can effectively activate the cells, for subsequent skin care play a good role in paving, and has a certain repair effect.

☑ Serum: the matrix in the serum is water, hyaluronic acid and so on. Serum is also called serum, serum is generally a liquid state, the texture is more refreshing some, contains more precious efficacy ingredients, such as plant extracts, ceramides, squalane, etc., it is anti-aging, anti-wrinkles, depth of hydration, moisturizing, whitening and spot removal and so on.

☑ serum: serum with serum, the first difference is the water-oil ratio, to put it in human terms is a slight difference in texture. Serum is highly concentrated after the skin care products, the texture is more viscous, therefore, according to the skin needs and skin texture state to choose the words, more suitable for dry skin use.

☑ Essential oil: Essential oil contains mainly plant-based squalane, vegetable oils and other ingredients. It can mainly be applied directly to the face or mixed with skin care products, hair care products and other uses. Generally is suitable for all skin types of people to use, especially suitable for the drier seasons to use.

☑ Essential Milk: Essential Milk has a thicker texture and is generally milky. Essence milk can be said to be both essence, but also lotion, essence milk covers all the characteristics of the lotion, but at the same time more targeted than the lotion essence milk for different ingredients, the efficacy of the different, essence milk because it contains essence, it is known as the essence of the milk, but its density and the density of the lotion is very similar to the same belongs to the liquid ingredients, so called essence milk.

☑ Essence mask: essence mask and bottle mask which the active ingredient is also called active ingredient, the concentration is not the same. In fact, the essence of the essence of the mask is roughly hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5 ingredients, masks because the face, film cloth and the formation of negative pressure between the skin, the active ingredients inside have a role in promoting penetration. So the essence of the mask on the skin of the first aid is a very good choice, but can not be as bottled essence as a long-term role.

The current market, whether domestic or imported brands of cosmetics, will launch at least one main essence products. For example, Jade * oil white bottle, Lan * small black bottle, Ya * Lauder small brown bottle, Per * Ya ruby and so on. Under the promotion of various brands, people’s extreme pursuit of their own skin has made skincare essence products highly favored, and the age group for purchase is getting lower and lower.

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