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For the analysis of the chemical market in Southeast Asia, more bear the responsibility of the potential consumer market for China’s chemical exports. Throughout the global chemical market, Southeast Asia has become a new driver of global chemical consumption growth, as the manufacturing and processing bases in Europe and North America, the manufacturing and processing industry in Southeast Asia in recent years, the rapid development of the Southeast Asian market has also expanded the scale and level of consumption of chemicals.

In this article, we mainly analyze the main types and sizes of chemicals exported from China to Vietnam, so that we can see what chemicals are exported from China to Vietnam?

  1. According to the statistics of Chinese customs, the scale of Yuanming powder is more than 420,000 tons, which is the largest chemical exported from China to Vietnam in 2022. Also known as anhydrous sodium sulfate, metamine powder is a salt produced by the combination of sulfate and sodium ions. It is a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystal or powder with hygroscopicity. The shape is colorless, transparent, large crystals or granular small crystals. Sodium sulfate is easily absorbed by exposure to air, generating sodium sulfate decahydrate, also known as mannite. Yuanmin powder is mainly used in the manufacture of water glass, glass, porcelain enamel, paper pulp, refrigerant mixer, detergent, desiccant, dye diluent, analytical chemical reagent, medical drugs, feed, etc. It is mainly used in the production of glass manufacturers, and its application is very wide. The scale of China’s powder industry is huge, with more than a thousand powder producers, and the competitiveness of the industry is severe. In order to relieve the domestic contradiction, China exports a large amount of Yuanmin powder every year, of which Vietnam is an important export market. In addition to powder, photovoltaic glass is also an important product exported from China to Vietnam. The local consumption of powder in Vietnam is more concentrated in glass production, enamel and pulp, among which the production of glass and pulp is the largest local consumption direction of powder. There are many local pulp enterprises in Vietnam, due to the local environmental requirements are not strict, resulting in many Chinese business owners in Vietnam to build pulp factories, mostly using U.S. waste as pulp raw materials production, resulting in a huge demand for powder.
  2. The volume of Chinese ammonium chloride exports to Vietnam is large According to Chinese customs statistics, the scale of China’s exports to Vietnam in 2022 exceeded 420,000 tons of ammonium chloride, not much difference with the volume of yuanming powder, is also one of the chemicals belonging to the larger export volume. Ammonium chloride, referred to as ammonium chloride, is the ammonium salt of hydrochloric acid, mostly as a by-product of the alkali industry, ammonium chloride is used in paddy fields with high and stable fertilizer efficiency, because chlorine can inhibit the nitrification of rice fields, but also conducive to the formation of rice stalk fibers, increasing toughness, reducing rice collapse and pest infestation. The local cultivation scale in Vietnam is huge and there are numerous demands for chemical fertilizers, ammonium chloride is an important one. Ammonium chloride in China chemical supply shows an obvious surplus, export is the main direction of ammonium chloride, of which Vietnam is an important export country. For the future, China’s ammonium chloride supply side is growing slowly, but Vietnam’s consumption of ammonium chloride is also growing, so China’s exports to Vietnam still have a large volume.
  3. The scale of oil products and related products is huge According to China Customs statistics, in 2022 China exported to Vietnam more than 270,000 tons of oil additives, more than 240,000 tons of kerosene, more than 200,000 tons of diesel and catalytic diesel, more than 180,000 tons of alkylated oil, more than 130,000 tons of gasoline and ethanol gasoline, more than 80,000 tons of marine fuel oil. Products related to oil products, China’s exports to Vietnam are more than 50,000 tons in volume, the overall in a larger export scale.

Vietnam currently has only two refineries, the Rong Kratong Refinery (annual processing capacity of 6.5 million tons/year) and the Yishan Refinery (annual processing capacity of 7 million tons/year). Vietnam’s third refinery, the Southern No. 3 Refinery, is expected to come on stream in the next three years with an annual processing capacity of over 6.5 million tons/year, bringing Vietnam’s total refining capacity to over 20 million tons/year by then. The current main products of Vietnam refineries are unleaded gasoline, heavy oil, diesel, fuel oil, liquefied gas, asphalt, polypropylene, polyester, benzene and sulfur, which were first put into operation in 2008, and the local oil products in Vietnam are mainly processed and produced by these two refineries. With the growing local consumption for refined oil products, the supply gap for oil products is growing and the scale of imported refined oil products and oil blending materials is also growing.

  • According to the statistics, in 2022, Vietnam imported more than 190,000 tons of PVC, more than 180,000 tons of PTA, more than 170,000 tons of polyester staple fiber, more than 130,000 tons of polypropylene and more than 100,000 tons of polyethylene from China. Moreover, there are various types of plastic particles imported and numerous products.

Southeast Asia is known as the processing plant of the European manufacturing industry, more than 30% of plastic products are imported from Southeast Asia, and most of the plastic products processed in Southeast Asia are exported to Europe. Vietnam is the largest manufacturing processing region in Southeast Asia, and tens of thousands of plastic and rubber products processing factories are gathered in northern Vietnam, among which there are more than 3,000 polypropylene processing enterprises and more than 1,000 polyethylene processing enterprises. The local plastic particle manufacturers in Vietnam are less, so the local demand can not be met, mainly through the way of import to supplement. The local import of plastic particles in Vietnam is mainly supplemented by the Chinese market. It should be noted in particular that, in addition to the scale of direct exports from China’s coast to Vietnam, there is also a part from Hong Kong re-export trade. Initially, it is expected that the scale of plastic particles exported from China to Vietnam is more than 1 million tons per year, and this scale is still growing.

There is a large amount of local demand for chemicals and plastic products in Vietnam, and due to the small and scattered local downstream enterprises in Vietnam, it leads to a lot of demand cannot be released in a concentrated aggregate, which also generates numerous supply barriers. It is suggested that enterprises with strength, increase the local inspection of Vietnam, especially the inspection of small-scale consumer enterprises, so as to lock the Vietnamese market consumption expectations of the Chinese chemicals market.

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