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Surfactants are indispensable additives. Adding a certain amount of surfactant solvents to detergents can enhance their solubility and detergency, but due to their toxicity, they can cause significant skin irritation. The use of surfactants in large quantities is also potentially harmful to the ecosystem. In order to meet the increasing demand for health care and to ensure the sustainable development of the human living environment, it is imperative to develop surfactants that are as non-toxic and non-polluting as possible to the human body and to the ecological environment.

Green surfactants refer to surfactants processed from natural or renewable resources, which are less irritating to the human body and easily biodegradable. According to whether they dissociate in water, green surfactants can be divided into nonionic green surfactants and ionic green surfactants. Ionic green surfactants can be divided into cationic, anionic and amphoteric types according to the active ingredients after dissolution.

Green surfactants are processed from natural or renewable resources, i.e., they have excellent characteristics such as naturalness, mildness and low irritation. Like traditional surfactants, green surfactants have hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. Compared with traditional surfactants, green surfactants have high efficiency and strong detergency, excellent compatibility and good environmental compatibility, and show good emulsification, detergency, solubility, wettability, solubility and stability.

In addition, each green surfactant has its own unique properties, such as α-sulfonated fatty acid ester salts (MEC) at low concentrations have surface activity, hard water resistance, monoalkyl phosphate esters have excellent foaming emulsification, anti-static properties and unique skin affinity. Common green surfactants include methyl α-sulfo fatty acids (MEC), alkyl glycopolysaccharides (APG), glucosamides (APA), alcohol ether carboxylates (AEC), monoalkyl phosphate esters (MAP), and alkyl glucosamides (MECA).

Green surfactants have excellent characteristics such as naturalness, mildness and low irritation. Like traditional surfactants, green surfactants have hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. Compared with traditional surfactants, green surfactants have high efficiency and strong detergency, excellent compatibility and good environmental compatibility, and show good emulsification, detergency, solubility, wetting, solubility and stability.

Polyaspartic acid is made from aspartic acid or maleic acid as raw material and polymerized under the action of catalyst. It is widely used in cooling water, boiler water treatment and water treatment in desalination, desugar recovery, reverse osmosis and other processes, especially in oil well drilling devices generated by petroleum, as an inhibitor of calcium carbonate, barium sulfate and calcium sulfate precipitation. Polyaspartic acid water treatment agent is considered a real green scale inhibitor because of its excellent biodegradability and high scale inhibition performance.

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